Friday, January 20, 2012

Wikipedia blackout - brilliant execution

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is those times that elegant solutions in communication strategy are achieved. These are solutions that hit the mark in accomplishing the goal, are inclusive and result in an outcome greater than the sum of individually achieved objectives.   Wikipedia’s blackout campaign may be an example.

For some time, Wikipedia has solicited donations by a prominent banner on its website.  I wouldn't be surprised if its handling of the site blackout in protest of SOPA and PIPA will see a surge in donations as a result of the blackout being so brilliantly conceived and delivered:

·        Wikipedia’s position on the issue was clearly presented with a straightforward call to  protest the SOPA and PIPA legislation.
·       In the post-blackout page, there is a broad scope of  detailed  information on the legislation with links to more.
·        The inability to access Wikipedia during the blackout reminds us of the value of this resource and how much we depend upon it.
·       The follow-up is beautiful in design and content – thanking viewers, acknowledging and quantifying their impact, inviting viewers to join with Wikipedia in remaining steadfast to the cause.
I fully expected that, when I clicked on “Read more,” there would be a solicitation for donations.  Instead, there was only the same sidebar donations link as on all the pages.  Unobtrusive.  

In grand Wikipedia style, the organization appears to have elegantly delivered the campaign precisely through the service it offers, strengthening its brand in the process.